Discovering my Major

Filed in From the Staff by on October 5, 2011

Choosing what you are going to do for the rest of your life as you enter in college can be a little bit terrifying. I’ve been shaping my major as I continue figure out what I enjoy in college. I began wanting to do environmental engineering and helping the earth, but that quickly changed. Environmental deals largely with water and I wanted to work on solar panels, wind turbines or other alternative energy systems. Therefore, I decided that I could do a large portion of those things within mechanical engineering, my major today.
Since deciding Mechanical Engineering, I have pursued a concentration in design after a class at WPI, Intro to Computer Aided Design (CAD). I noticed that I thoroughly enjoyed the class and that’s the most important thing: enjoying what you do. Your going to continue with your job for the rest of your life, may as well be fun.

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