Pro Tip Tuesday: Repeating Events in Canvas Calendar

Filed in Canvas by on January 30, 2018

A question we often get at the ATC is “Can I add my class meeting time to my Canvas site?” The answer is yes! While we can’t automatically load your class meeting times in from Banner, it’s relatively simple to add a repeating (recurring) event into your course’s calendar!  Events you create on the Calendar will not appear on the Assignments page or in the Gradebook. But they will show up on the Syllabus page and student calendars.

Tips for repeating events:

  • Weekly events are replicated on the day of the week of the first event. For instance, if an event is created on a Monday and repeats weekly, the next instance of the event will appear on the following Monday, regardless of the actual date.
  • Monthly events are replicated on the day of the month of the first event. For instance, if an event is created on July 6 and repeats monthly, the next instance of the event will appear on August 6.
  • Once a recurring event has been created, each recurring event becomes an independent copy and is not linked to any other event. Any changes to an event must be managed individually. Additionally, users cannot edit existing events and apply the recurring feature.

How do I do it?

In Global Navigation, click the Calendar link.

add event to calendar

Click any date on the calendar to add an event [1]. Or, click the arrows next to the month name to navigate to a different month [2] and select a date.

If you don’t want to manually locate the date, you can click the Add icon [3].


Enter the details as you would when adding an individual event. In the Calendar drop-down menu, select the course calendar for the event. Click the More Options button.

repeat checkbox


Click the Repeat checkbox. (if you do not see the checkbox, you are on your personal calendar.  Go back to the previous step and change the Calendar drop-down menu to your course name).

By default, events are set to repeat every week.

If you want to change the recurrence to daily or monthly, click the Week(s) drop-down menu and select your preferred time range. You may also have to change the number that precedes the time period.

By default, events are set to create one occurrence, meaning it will create the initial event plus one additional (two total events). If you want to change the number of additional occurrences, enter the number in the text field.

If you want to automatically add a number to the end of each event title (such as Event 1, Event 2, etc.), click the Count checkbox.

Finally, click the Create Event button.

That’s it!  Now you have populated your Canvas course site with your lectures/labs/class meetings for the term.  If you have any questions about this new feature- don’t hesitate to reach out to the ATC at or drop by our office between 8am-7pm, M-F in GL225.

More Information / Related Articles

Add Repeating Events to Canvas Calendar

Create Assignment Shell in Course Calendar

Use your Personal Calendar in Canvas


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