Tech Tuesday – Automatically apply your rubric score to your Canvas assignment

Filed in Canvas by on September 10, 2019

Canvas provides the option to apply a rubric to your assignments, but by default, the score you calculate in the rubric is not automatically applied to Gradebook. The catch is, you have to apply this setting when you add your rubric to the assignment and BEFORE you begin grading! If you add it after, the grades will not populate into Gradebook and you’ll have to do it manually.

Here’s how to do it:

  1. In Course Navigation, click the Assignments link.
  2. Click the name of the assignment.
  3. Click the Add Rubric button.
  4. If you have a rubric already created, click Find a Rubric. Otherwise, begin creating your rubric criteria.
  5. Below the rubric, you’ll find several options for the rubric.
  6. To automatically populate the rubric score in Gradebook, select the box for Use this rubric for assignment grading.
  7. Select other options as appropriate.
  8. Click Create Rubric (or if you used an existing rubric, Update Rubric) to save.
  9. Finish setting up your assignment as usual.

grading using rubrics

More Resources

How do I create a rubric for a course?

How do I add a rubric to a graded discussion?

How do I use a rubric to grade submissions in SpeedGrader?

How do I add a rubric to a quiz?


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