Canvas Update – June 20, 2020

Filed in Canvas by on June 2, 2020

Please note: there was no May 2020 update that affected our instance of Canvas.

Every month, Canvas releases new features, updates to existing features, and bug fixes to our platform. In this Canvas release (June 20), there will be to updates to recently released features.

  • The Assignment Bulk Editing feature option now supports enhancements to select multiple assignments, batch edit dates, and improve date validation. Each heading and assignment row includes a checkbox that can be used to select assignments. The checkbox in the heading can be used to select all assignments. The top of the page displays the number of selected assignments.
  • The Mute Notifications by Course feature option now supports granular notifications for the course. Notification preferences available within the course are identified by icon: notify immediately, daily summary, weekly summary, and notification turned off. The Course Notification Settings page displays the following notification types:
    • Course Activities
    • Discussions
    • Scheduling
    • Conferences

This month’s release also includes fixed bugs.

For more information on these changes, please see the full release notes.



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