Measuring and Modeling Hot Spots Method

Measure and Model the Spatial Conditions of the Hot Spots: (Mission and Philosophy)

While Button and Ma interviewed the residents, Jeyaraj and Muniz took measurements of the hot spots and noted their physical conditions, including the road composition, slopes, existing interventions implemented around the road, the effectiveness of such methods, and potential stormwater management solutions for each area. After taking various measurements of the hot spots, Muniz modeled them by making floor plans using a software program, AutoCAD.

After creating floor plans of the hot spots, Jeyaraj and Muniz took measurements of the gradient in those areas (Figure 3.1). For hot spot A, they divided the road into grids that were 0.60 meters by 0.50 meters (Figure 3.2). Using a 0.60 meter level, the pair measured the height difference between the ground and the level. For hot spot B, the team used a longer level of 2.0 meters to measure the road at 1.0 meter intervals. However, as Jeyaraj and Muniz tried to use the data gathered to create an accurate model of the road, they came to the conclusion that this method of measuring was not efficient or helpful. Given that they still needed to obtain the gradient of the road, the pair used a software program, Google Earth Pro, to understand the varying topographical features of the C-Section Road. These measurements gave our entire team an accurate model of the road to work with, which we could use to model potential stormwater management solutions.

Figure 3.1: Muniz and Jeyaraj taking Road Measurements

measurement grid

Figure 3.2: Diagram of Measurement Grid

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