The Real Interview Process: as seen by me
Hopefully those of you still unemployed have been looking for and applying to positions. This is the first and most important step of the process! Once you’ve applied, hopefully you’ll get called back for an interview.
I had looked up information on the company, looked over the position requirements, and even talked to past employees. I felt I was prepared in all areas, except for one. I was not given any information about the days events other than knowing I would take part in a plant tour and meet with several managers on-site. The entire process took nearly four hours with an hour-long tour of the facilities and three one hour meetings. I spoke with six different representatives about various topics including past group experience, work experience, my daily schedule, and various skills that would transfer to the position well. It got a bit repetative as I was asked similar questions by each group of interviewers, but I tried my best not to provide generic answers to show the company that I was able to work well in different situations. Overall, I had a great experience adn was able to learn more about the company than I had previously known. This was especially important because of the various education programs offered. Although I will not hear back for several weeks, hopefully I will be able to let you all know how the interview went!
Have a great D term!