The Employers are Coming. The Employers are Coming

Filed in Career Fair, Finding a Job by on September 13, 2013


When I saw the number of employers at Resumazing, The number of Companies coming to career fair, the number of companies hosting information sessions and the number of jobs posted on Jobfinder… All I wanted to do was shout great screams of excitement! Of course being the 5 year old that I am, I wanted it to be a bit funny so I thought I would copy good ol’ Paul Revere! I do have a horse so maybe I could even mimic the ride….



I might just end up doing it…

Anyway the reason behind the huge amount of employers coming to WPI on various occasions is that the EMPLOYERS WANT TO GIVE YOU JOBS. This works out pretty well because hopefully everyone goes to school to get a job.

So since we are at a tech school I am sure we all love numbers, logic and stuff like that so here’s some of it.


9/18/2013 = Wednesday = The Career fair

We all go to school to get a job; The Career fair is where you get jobs  therefore We should all go to the Career Fair q=]


I am 1 person; The career fair has 180+ Companies and companies usually bring more than 1 representative;

1 <<180+

Therefore It is safe to conclude that there are tons of opportunities for all of us!


Companies are hosting information sessions ON CAMPUS ; Information sessions are a good way to learn about companies and meet employers; Employers are usually impressed when students know about their company; Therefore if you want to impress employers you should go to their information sessions.

AS of today there are 25 Company information sessions/ Information tables.
In summary:



Alright now that you have all the facts and you’re really excited about attending these events check out all of our CDC reps blogs for tips and advice to make you super successful at these events.

Thanks for stoppin’ by

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About the Author ()

Sam Francois! WPI 2014. BS in Electrical & Computer Engineering. I love free stuff! I like my smiley faces wearing hats. q=] (how cool is that?). That's enough for now. If you want to know more, you'll have to check out my blogs! Stay tuned!

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