Chase Your Passion

Filed in Life at WPI by on October 12, 2013

One of the most popular questions people ask here is: “So, what’s your major?” But they don’t ask, “What made you choose your major?” or “How did you get to where you are now?”

So I’m a BME major. That’s Biomedical Engineering for you acronym weak folk. That’s cool and all, but in the back of my mind I’ve always known I wanted to be a doctor, or something along the lines of that. I just couldn’t make up my mind: engineering or medicine? It was such a tough decision so I decided to do both. They both make me happy and either way I’m helping people! As a freshman I decided to major in BME on the Pre-Med track. So many people told me, “Oh Emily, Pre-Med is entirely different than BME. That’s pretty much double majoring. The classes barely overlap. You could never do both. There’s only been like 2 students who have done it.” Well you know what?

challenge accepted

I’m still BME Pre-Med. It’s true, BME and Pre-Med require two entirely separate sets of classes. But I love them ALL! It’s all stuff that interests me. We pay so much for tuition, so why not make the most of my time here at WPI and fit as many classes in as possible that I like? Sure I’ve had to overload some terms, but I’m willing to work hard now because I know it will be all worth it in the end. My goal is to attend PA (Physician Assistant) school after WPI. I know that I am going to be ready. I’ve wanted this more than anything and I’m going to work until I’m accepted. No matter what it takes.

So here’s my advice to you: Find your passion. Discover what makes you excited, what makes your heart race with thrill. What do you love? Even if you don’t know every step of how to get there now, that’s okay. I still don’t know how things are going to play out with me, but I’ll let you in on a little secret: just take one day at a time. Deal with what’s on your plate today and balance your schedule with activities that make you happy, like band, soccer, singing, etc. Strive for your goal, but have fun too!!

As always, if you have any questions email us at and check out everyone’s blogs this week: AdamSamAhmad, and Sebastian!!

Good luck with finals,


About the Author ()

Hey guys! My name is Emily Cambrola and I am a senior majoring in BME with a concentration in Biomechanics. I also am in the process of earning my minor in Music. I am a Peer Advisor for the CDC and I am here to share my thoughts and advice about the job search process! Be on the lookout for future blogging. Enjoy! (:

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