Feb 2025: Mahdi wins 1st place in the annual GRIE poster competition. Congrats Mahdi !!
Feb 2025: Anurag wins 2nd place in the annual 3 Minute Thesis Competition. Congrats Anurag !!
January 2025: CMTL kicks off the new year successfully with two new grants. (1) A collaborative NSF grant with Prof. Delgosha (Virginia Tech) to study the effect of cavitation bubbles in emulsions (2) A continuing grant from Center for Advanced Research in Drying ( NSF IUCRC) to study slurry droplet evaporation in spray dryers. Looking forward to a successful year !
December 2024: Aswin gives an invited seminar in National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) on multiscale modeling applied to evaporating droplets and cavitating bubbles
August 2024: Anurag’s paper on slurry droplet evaporation is now accepted for publication in Physics of Fluids. Check out the paper from the publications page.
August 2024: Conference paper with MQP students gets selected as a finalist in the Young Engineer Paper contest at IMECE 2024.
August 2024: Mahdi receives the prestigious Smith Fellowship from the Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, WPI.
August 2024: Yunhao joins CMTL as a PhD student. Welcome Yunhao !
June 2024: Anurag started his internship at the Kerry Group, one of our mentor industries in the CARD project. The internship is funded by the NSF INTERN supplemental award.
June 2024: CMTL presented two papers in the recently concluded “International Symposium on Cavitation (CAV2024)”. Check out our papers on the publications page.
May 2024: Aswin has received “Excellence in Research” award in Mechanical and Materials Engineering, WPI.
May 2024: The MQP team working on “Maximizing Energy Output of Wind Turbines through Novel Turbine Designs” advised by Aswin has received an honorable mention from the judges during the Undergraduate Research Project Showcase (URPS).
April 2024: In collaboration with Penn State University and the University of Notre Dame, CMTL has received an ONR grant for investigating multiphase flow processes aviation fuels. We are excited about this new collaborative effort.
March 2024: Anurag successfully defends his PhD proposal titled “Multiscale Modeling and Simulation of Drying Processes in a Spray Dryer” in front of his dissertation committee. Congrats Anurag !! Just one more milestone to go.
January 2024: Mahdi advances to candidacy after passing both the written and oral qualifying exams. Congrats Mahdi, on a job well done !!!
December 2023: We have received another round of funding from the Center for Advanced Research in Drying (CARD) to continue our work on modeling the spray drying process.
October 2023: CMTL welcomes Mathew Bernier and Mingxi Lu as undergraduate researcher students. Looking forward to working with you.
September 2023: Diego’s work elucidating the origin of condensation shocks in sheet-to-cloud cavitation is now published in the International Journal of Multiphase Flow.
August 2023: CMTL receives another NSF grant in collaboration with the University of Washington to investigate microbubble physics.
May 2023: Congrats to Anurag for bagging second place in the poster competition held at the semi-annual CARD meeting in UIUC.
April 2023: We have received a 2-year grant from NSF to study the thermal effects of microbubbles oscillating under a high-frequency acoustic field.
April 2023: Anurag’s paper on modeling slurry droplet evaporation has been accepted in the ASME Summer Heat Transfer conference (SHTC). We will be presenting this work in DC from July 10-12, 2023.
March 2023: We have been awarded a “lot” of computing time on TACC’s Stampede2 through the NSF ACCESS program. Looking forward to churning out some impressive results.
February 2023: Diego advances to candidacy after passing the PhD qualifying exams. Congrats Diego, on a job well done !!!
January 2023: Our lab won 3rd place in the ASME Fluids Engineering Division Who’s Who Video Competition. Check out the details and our video here. ASME Who’s Who.
January 2023: Mahdi Lavari joins CMTL as a new PhD student. Welcome Mahdi !!
January 2023: We have received research funding from the Center for Advanced Research in Drying, a NSF IUCRC, to model slurry droplet evaporation in spray drying.
October 2022: Aswin gives a seminar in the Center for Fluid Mechanics at Brown University.
October 2022: Anurag receives a Graduate Student Travel Award from the American Physical Society to attend and present his work in the upcoming APS DFD Meeting in November 2022.
September 2022: Aswin receives the James Nichols Heald Research Fund from WPI.
September 2022: Aswin gives an invited talk on “High Fidelity Multiphase Flow Simulations using HPC” at the New England HPC Day Conference at UMass Lowell.
September 2022: Congrats to Anurag for successfully passing the qualifying exams in Fluid Mechanics and Heat transfer areas and defending a mock proposal !!!
April 2022: Diego successfully defends his MS thesis !!! He will be continuing in CMTL for a PhD.
March 2022: Aswin gives an invited seminar in the Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, UMass Lowell.
March 2022: Diego’s paper on sheet-to-cloud cavitation has been accepted in the ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, 2022. We will be presenting this work in August 2022 in ASME FEDSM. Congrats Diego, on a job well done!!!
December 2021: Our work on using microbubbles for targeted mild hyperthermia in porcine liver in collaboration with Univ of Washington is presented in the 181st Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America.
October 2021: Our work on modeling microbubbles in ultrasound in collaboration with Univ of Washington is presented in the International Ultrasonics Symposium.
October 2021: Aswin gives an invited talk in the Dept. of Aerospace and Ocean Engineering at Virginia Tech.
August 2021: CMTL welcomes its first two students Diego and Anurag.
April 2021: Aswin gives a graduate seminar in the Dept. of Aerosapce Engineering, Univ of Kentucky on modeling microbubbes in ultrasound for cancer applications.
December 2020: Paper on contrast agent shell property effects on HIFU heat deposition is accepted for publication in the Journal of Acoustical Society of America.
November 2020: Paper on “MPI Parallelization of an Euler-Lagrange Method” with colleagues at Dynaflow wins the best paper award in the ASME Fluids Engineering Division Meeting, 2020.
Septmeber 2020: Aswin gives a graduate seminar in the Dept. of Aerosapce Engineering, WPI on High Intensity Focused Ultrasound and its modeling.
August 2020: CMTL is now up and running !!!