
  • Seminars:  Speakers from federal agencies and labs come to campus 5 or 6 times a year, hosted by WPI’s Scholarship for Service Program. These seminars are open to all students wishing to learn about cybersecurity topics and related government jobs. Sign up here to receive emails with information about upcoming seminars and other cybersecurity activities at WPI.
  • Cybersecurity Club:  The CSC meets twice a month to discuss security topics. Students and outside experts give presentations on their work. The CSC also teaches hands-on security skills in cyber labs, coordinates an annual WPI capture-the-flag competition, and supports teams competing in MITRE’s e-CTF and other events. All are welcome. Email csc-exec at for meeting times and fill out the ethical hacking form so your membership can be approved.
  • Women in Cybersecurity: A WPI chapter of WiCyS was created in 2019. Activities are open to all (not just women), from cybersecurity beginners to veterans. One focus is supporting female students in pursuing cybersecurity knowledge and experience. Email gr-wicys at for more information.