Chapter 10: Teaching Course Content Through Skill Building

In Chapter 10, you’ll learn to teach course content and transferable skills—such as oral and visual presenting, teamwork, evidence-based writing, research, values, and cultural awareness—simultaneously.


teaching content and effective visual presentations

In this Feed the World infographic project, students create a visual presentation, an easily transferrable skill, while learning about a specific, course-related topic.

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Visual presentations of data are increasingly important in the working world. We explicitly teach (with the help of our academic technology staff) infographic creation. Students must distill the key features of their technology and utilize free software to produce their infographic, which is then presented to the class.

Student Info Graphic


teaching content and video production

Preparation of videos is another skill that is valuable in our progressively visual world.

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In this assignment, WPI student teams worked to research, investigate, and report on a regional environmental issue that considered the environmental, scientific, social, political, and economic aspects of the issue and culminated in the production of a video report. View one of the student videos below, which included targeted learning outcomes of research, presenting, cultural awareness, and teamwork.