Title: ‘A fascinating insight into pandemic psychology’: how Animal Crossing gave us an escape

Author: David Roskin

Collection Notes:

It’s interesting to see the impact Animal Crossing had on interaction and togetherness during times of isolation. This article discusses the power that video games (particularly Animal Crossing) had during the pandemic. How people found ways to connect with one another when seeing each other was not an option.

-Hannah Belan

Availability: Outside Link
URL: https://www.theguardian.com/games/2024/mar/21/animal-crossing-new-horizons-helped-us-escape-national-videogame-museum

Citation for IMlibrary commentary (MLA): Belan, Hannah. Annotation of “‘A fascinating insight into pandemic psychology’: how Animal Crossing gave us an escape.” WPI Interactive Media Library, April 8, 2024, https://wp.wpi.edu/imgd-library/0/‘A fascinating insight into pandemic psychology’: how Animal Crossing gave us an escape. Accessed ____.

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