Title: Charlie Brooker teaches Jon Snow to play video games

Source: Channel 4 News

Collection Notes:

This brief, behind-the-scenes glimpse at writer and pop-culture presenter Charlie Brooker, later creator of Black Mirror, being charged to show the “value” of videogames to old-media BBC news presenter Jon Snow–with limited time, extremely limited examples, and an antagonistic set of assumptions from Snow that reflects many mainstream beliefs regarding the content of videogames and the community who make up gamers–represents an intensely striking microcosm of the uphill battles IMGD-related academic fields regularly face when attempting to explain the depth, breadth, and, indeed, “value” of work that is, often, best demonstrated and discussed through the medium of videogames.

-Katherine Crighton

Availability: Outside Link
URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-FLVjfFKy58

Citation for IMlibrary commentary (MLA): Crighton, Katherine. Annotation of “Charlie Brooker teaches Jon Snow to play video games.” WPI Interactive Media Library, April 30, 2024, https://wp.wpi.edu/imgd-library/218713/media/charlie-brooker-teaches-jon-snow-to-play-video-games-channel-4-news/. Accessed ____.

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