Title: The Simple Solution to Fast Fashion | Josephine Philips | TED

Author: Josephine Philips

Collection Notes:

I think this video is such a refreshing take to fixing a problem within interactive media. It discusses letting your clothing tell a story about where you’ve been and what you’ve been through. Letting it be a staple in your life rather than something that is replaced seasonally. It combats fast fashion through preservation and creating a piece of art through your clothing.

-Hannah Belan

Availability: Outside Link
URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bh8dnw67rE0

Citation for IMlibrary commentary (MLA): Belan, Hannah. Annotation of “The Simple Solution to Fast Fashion | Josephine Philips | TED.” WPI Interactive Media Library, https://wp.wpi.edu/imgd-library/256/media/the-simple-solution-to-fast-fashion-josephine-philips-ted/. Accessed ____.

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