Title: The voice actor for a popular video game died, so its makers cloned him with AI for the next release ‘to pay tribute to his wonderful performance’


Collection Notes:

The reators of the dystopian world of the video game cyberpunk 2077 rereated a voice actors voice by training an AI with voice his samples.
They talk about how they maintained their ethical and moral philosophy to pay homage to the late voice actor

-Shubham Sharma

Availability: Outside Link
URL: https://fortune.com/2023/10/12/cyberpunk2077-voice-actor-video-game-ai/

Citation for IMlibrary commentary (MLA): Sharma, Shubham. Annotation of “The voice actor for a popular video game died, so its makers cloned him with AI for the next release ‘to pay tribute to his wonderful performance’.”
WPI Interactive Media Library, 30 April 2024, https://wp.wpi.edu/imgd-library/?p=218819

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