Charlie Brooker’s How Videogames Changed the World

Title: Charlie Brooker’s How Videogames Changed the WorldAuthor: Charlie Brooker Collection Notes: “How Videogames Changed the World” is a historical overview of 25 significant games from 1972’s “Pong” up to the state of gaming in...

Charlie Brooker teaches Jon Snow to play video games

Title: Charlie Brooker teaches Jon Snow to play video gamesSource: Channel 4 News Collection Notes: This brief, behind-the-scenes glimpse at writer and pop-culture presenter Charlie Brooker, later creator of Black Mirror, being charged to show the “value”...

Archival adventuring

Title: Archival adventuring Author: Melissa Kagen Abstract: “This article describes the ‘archival adventure’ mechanic, in which players assemble a story by piecing it together from the archival memorabilia left behind. I compare the use of this mechanic in...