The Simple Solution to Fast Fashion | Josephine Philips | TED

Title: The Simple Solution to Fast Fashion | Josephine Philips | TEDAuthor: Josephine Philips Collection Notes: I think this video is such a refreshing take to fixing a problem within interactive media. It discusses letting your clothing tell a story about where...

Digital Fashion #2

Title: Digital Fashion #2Author: Collection Notes: This is a supporting video for the “The New Reality of Fashion is Digital | Gala Marija Vrbanic | TED” TED talk video. It shows off drapery and lighting of digital fashion -Hannah Belan See...

Digital Fashion #1

Title: Digital Fashion #1Author: Collection Notes: This is a supporting video for the “The New Reality of Fashion is Digital | Gala Marija Vrbanic | TED” TED talk video. It shows off drapery and lighting of digital fashion.  -Hannah Belan...

The New Reality of Fashion is Digital | Gala Marija Vrbanic | TED

Title: The New Reality of Fashion is Digital | Gala Marija Vrbanic | TEDAuthor: Gala Marija Vrbanic Collection Notes: This video discusses the hyperbeast culture that has become more prevalent and how digital fashion takes advantage of that culture to create a less...

What’s the Point of Digital Fashion? | Karinna Grant | TED

Title: What’s the Point of Digital Fashion? | Karinna Grant | TEDAuthor: Karinna Grant Collection Notes: This TED talk discusses the possibilities of digital fashion; from unleashing creativity to sustainability. It mentions that digital fashion has been a steady...