How An Actual FISH Beat Pokemon (i’m not kidding)

Title: How An Actual FISH Beat Pokemon (i’m not kidding)Author: Patterrz Collection Notes: You might have heard of Twitch Plays Pokemon, but have you heard of Fish Plays Pokemon? It uses the position of a fish in a tank as the input source for the controller,...

Rive and the Future of Interactive Design

Title: Rive and the Future of Interactive DesignAuthor: School of Motion Podcast Collection Notes: This is an interesting discussion of the niche that Rive filled when Flash no longer was a viable option. It discusses the creative methods the developer used while...

The History of Flash Games

Title: The History of Flash GamesAuthor: Save Data Collection Notes: This video is an interesting discussion of a lost artform; the flash game. Something that I grew up on, that I spent all of my free time playing. With growing communities, programs such Rive have a...