
07/15/2024 Welcome to our new M.S. student, Adam Shenk

07/01/2024 Dr. Zhong got promoted as full professor. Thanks for all the hard work from the IMPD members!

06/06/2024 IMPD group will work with Charles Stark Draper Laboratory, Inc on a joint project for 5 years to work on molecular dynamics simulations.

06/01/2024 Dr. M. Mustafa Azeem joined the IMPD group as post-doc. Welcome, Mustafa!

05/20/2024 Welcome to our new Ph.D. student, Soki Sem

05/09/2024 Two M.S. students graduated from the IMPD group, Samuel Krimmel and Ethan Cummings. Both worked on the application of CALPHAD in charge non-neutral condition!

02/01/2024 Dr. Songge Yang got promoted as Research Assistant Professor.

09/27/2023 Ph.D. candidates, Jize Zhang and Guangchen Liu, past the Ph.D. qualify exam. Congrats!

06/30/2023 Dr. Zhong organized the 50th CALPHAD conference in Boston, which has 176 participants from 23 countries.

04/25/2023 Rui Wang successfully past his Ph.D. defense. Congratulations, Dr. Wang!

03/31/2023 Our HEA-ML database for high entropy alloys elastic property predictions was reported in JOM

01/05/2023 Our HEA_ML software was reported on JOM

12/06/2022 The Ph.D. candidate Rui Wang successfully passed the proposal exam, Congratulations!

05/12/2022 Congratulations to Mr. Songge Yang’s graduation!

05/04/2022 Dr. Zhong got into Marquis Who’s Who

01/31/2022 Dr. Yu Zhong was interviewed by the Have You Herd Podcast (Have You Herd?#6) to talk about his research regarding Material Hydrogen and his work to design materials to improve hydrogen production.

02/01/2022 Ph.D. candidate, Yifan Zhang, past the Ph.D. qualify exam. Congrats!

01/20/2022 Welcome to our new Ph.D. student, Mr. Yashdi Saif Autul from Bangladesh, to be the IMPD group.

01/20/2022 Welcome to our new Ph.D. student, Mr. Jize Zhang. Jize had worked in the IMPD group as a MS student and transferred to the Ph.D. program.

12/06/2021 Dr. Zhong’s new SOEC project is recommended for funding by the AmplifyMass Program, which will be used to support a RA for 2 years.

12/06/2021 Congratulations to Dr. Hooman Sabarou (Ph.D. ’20) to start his new career @ US Steel Corporation (R&D center in Pittsburgh)

11/09/2021 Worcester Magazine reported Dr. Zhong’s latest SOECs project. 

10/28/2021 Dr. Zhong is the leading PI of a DOE-funded project on SOECs ($1.25M) in collaboration with co-PIs from West Virginia University.

10/25/2021 The Ph.D. candidate, Mr. Songge Yang successfully passed the proposal exam. Congratulations!

08/20/2021 Welcome to our new Ph.D. student, Mr. Guangchen Liu, to the IMPD group, who will mainly focus on exploring the application of machine learning in materials discovery.

12/06/2017 Dr. Yu Zhong won a joint proposal with Prof. Diran Apelian (WPI) to design a new Al-based High Entropy Alloy (HEA). It is funded by ACRC and will be used to support a Post-Doc for two years.

11/09/2017 Dr. Asadikiya was selected as a Worlds Ahead Graduate for his outstanding academic and personal achievements. President Mark B. Rosenberg will read a statement noting his achievements during the graduation ceremony. Congratulations, Dr. Asadikiya, you deserve the honor!

11/06/2017 Mohammad Asadikiya successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis after joining the group for 4 years. Well done, Dr. Asadikiya!

08/26/2017 Dr. Yu Zhong’s first joint proposal after moving to WPI was selected for funding by DOE: DE-FE0031205, “Core-Shell Heterostructures as Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Electrodes” for 110K.

08/25/2017 The IMPD will move to WPI. 1 Post-Doc and 2 Graduate students with CALPHAD and DFT backgrounds are needed! Contact: Dr. Yu Zhong,

08/25/2017 A milestone of IMPD group, 12 journal papers submitted in 2017 as of today. 9 has already been published/accepted! Good job, all the group members!

08/25/2017 Hooman Sabarou is transferred to WPI. Congratulations and welcome to New England!

08/25/2017 Dr. Yu Zhong Started to work in the Mechanical Engineering Department of Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) as Associate Professor. The new email address is

07/30/2017. Congratulations to Hooman Sabarou for the acceptance of his second journal paper in the group: Thermodynamic Assessment of the Chemical Stability of (La0.8Sr0.2)0.98CrxFe1-xO3±δ under OTM Fabrication and Operation Conditions.

07/03/2017 Congratulations to Shadi Darvish for receiving the Dissertation Year Fellowship (DYF) award, good job!

06/28/2017 Dr. Zhong’s proposal DE-FE0030585, entitled “The Novel Hybrid Ab Initio Model of High-Performance Structural Alloys Design for Fossil Energy Power Plants” was selected for funding by DOE NETL for $250,000.

06/14/2017 Congratulations to Hooman Sabarou for the acceptance of his first journal paper in the group: Thermodynamic Investigation on the PMN-PT Stoichiometry Change During Thermocycling. It is the fifth journal paper accepted/published in 2017.

02/24/2017 Dr. Zhong will work as Summer Fellow in 2017 ONR Summer Faculty Research Program in the Naval Undersea Warfare Center (NUWC), Newport RI

12/23/2016 Congratulations to Mohammad Asadikiya for the acceptance of his second journal paper in the group: Thermodynamic Modeling and Investigation of the Oxygen Effect on the Sintering of B4C

11/28/2016 Congratulations to Shadi Darvish for receiving Doctoral Evidence Acquisition (DEA) Fellowship award, good Job!

11/02/2016 Congratulations to Hooman Sabarou for passing the Qualify Exam!

10/07/2016 Dr. Zhong visited West Virginia University and give a seminar.

10/02/2016 Congratulations to Shadi Darvish for the acceptance of her third journal paper in the group: Thermodynamic stability maps for the La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3±δ–CO2–O2 system for application in solid oxide fuel cells

06/16/2016 Dr. Zhong’s proposal DE-FE0027800, entitled “The Fundamental Creep Behavior Model of Gr.91 Alloy by ICME Approach”, was selected for funding by DOE NETL for $250,000.

05/05/2016 Congratulations to Shadi Darvish for the acceptance of her second journal paper in the group: Thermodynamic Prediction of the Effect of CO2 on the Stability of (La0.8Sr0.2)0.98MnO3±δ System

03/08/2016 Congratulations to Mohammad Asadikiya for receiving Doctoral Evidence Acquisition Fellowship award, good Job!

02/26/2016 Dr. Zhong will work as Summer Fellow in 2016 ONR Summer Faculty Research Program in the Naval Undersea Warfare Center (NUWC), Newport RI

02/22/2016 Congratulations to Shadi Darvish for passing the proposal defense, well done!

01/13/2016 Congratulations to Mohammad Asadikiya for the acceptance of his first journal paper in the group: Phase Diagram for Nano Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia System

11/25/2015 Congratulations to Mohammad Asadikiya for his new boy Taha born!

11/04/2015 Dr. Zhong received the 2016 TMS FMD Young Leaders Professional Development Award.

10/30/2015 Congratulations to Shadi Darvish for passing the Qualify Exam!

08/07/2015 Congratulations to Mohammad Asadikiya for passing the proposal defense, well done!

06/18/2015 Congratulations to Shadi Darvish for the acceptance of her first journal paper in the group: Quantitative Defect Chemistry Analysis and Electronic Conductivity Prediction of La0.8Sr0.2MnO3 Perovskite

03/04/2015 Dr. Zhong will work as Summer Fellow in 2015 ONR Summer Faculty Research Program in the Naval Undersea Warfare Center (NUWC), Newport RI

10/29/2014 Congratulations to Mohammad Asadikiya for passing the Qualify Exam!

05/20/2014 Dr. Zhong’s proposal PRF# 54190-DNI10, entitled “A Novel Integrated Design for the Mixed Ionic-Electronic Conducting (MIEC) Perovskites,” was recommended for funding by the ACS PRF Advisory Board for $110,000.