
The Potential and Implications of Bioprinting Organs

link: <https://create.piktochart.com/output/33132456-the-potential-and-implications-of-bioprinting-organs>   For more information: ATF. “Find the Information You’ve Been Looking For.” American Transplant Foundation, 2018, www.americantransplantfoundation.org/about-transplant/. Ferro, Angela, Ferro, Dominic. “The Potential and Implications of Bioprinting Organs”. Oct, 2018. Gurdita, Akshay. “5 Most Promising 3D Printed Organs for Transplant.” All3DP, 4 June 2018, all3dp.com/2/5-most-promising-3d-printed-organs-for-transplant/. Pavlovich, Slaviana.”Should Society Encourage The Development Of 3D… Read more The Potential and Implications of Bioprinting Organs