
Constructed Truths and Human Nature

By: David Van Sickle, Steven Chelak, Maylee Gagnon, Cristopher Lafortune, James Copeland *All authors contributed equally to this work   Too few people question the origin of scientific “truth.” Where did the science come from? Why did the scientist publish what they published? It has become a societal norm to define scientists as people of veracity and discovery, an… Read more Constructed Truths and Human Nature

Standardizing the Quantification of Objectivity

By: Kailana Wang, Jack Tatirosian, Miya Judy, and Ian Campbell *All authors contributed equally to this work*          How do we know what is “true nature?”  The objective reality, the very truth of nature, as Theodore Porter calls it, is often warped.  The aim of science is to present objective truths, that… Read more Standardizing the Quantification of Objectivity