Viewers and participants will be immerses in a multicultural exhibit of art, musical performances, cultural dances, a showcase of traditional clothing, handcrafts and a variety of delicious food. Click the link below to learn more:…
Tanabata is a beloved celebration in Japan which recognizes an Ancient Story of separation, longing, hopes, wishes and reunion. It is celebrated on the 7th day of the 7th month (July 7th). Every year Kaji…
Anime Boston and The Japan Society of Boston are happy to co-host Anime чен (sai) — a whole day of Japanese-related activities all online! Click the link below to learn more!
The Japan Society of Boston and the Japan Society of Northern California are proud to jointly present a musical night to remember with Kouzan Oyama. Click the link below to learn more:
Create a beautiful, braided necklace yourself! Learn the basic concepts of How to load your cord on the kumihimo disk Using spools to prevent tangling The basic pattern for moving the cords on the disk…
Motoki Hirai will look at his activities in peace-making and connecting people across the world through music Click the link below to learn more:
Bowling & Amusement that has manga stores and Japanese restaurants nearby. Open 10am, Everyday Click the link below to learn more:
Welcome to the New England Martial Arts Dojo! We are a traditional family Shotokan Karate-Do dojo in Seekonk, Massachusetts. First-class free $99.99 for 2 months. Click the link below to learn more: Home
To what degree is digital game content rooted from Japanese cultural and social history? Click the link below to learn more:
$10 for members, $15 for nonmembers We invite you to make your own sukiyaki with the help of our intern, Emily Knick, who will be teaching her favorite sukiyaki recipe. Emily is currently a student…