Le Snake was meant to play “Snake charmer music” using a penny whistle in the key of G major which would be controlled by several solenoids, one solenoid valve being of a system of a reservoir and a DC air Pump. An issue with this was most compositions required two octaves which our whistle simply can’t produce. We then opted for a simple G major scale, Ode to Joy in G major, and a composition of our own in an effort to “sound like a snake”. A part of the idea is that Le snake would be closer to an art piece targeted at children. (although I wouldn’t blame you if Le snake made you uneasy) Which having the simpler/mimic-able compositions play more into the target audience. The outer shell (the snake) hides the actual musical machine. [Unfortunately as of writing this the machine fails to produce half of the notes, being Low G, A, B, and High G. It isn’t complete failure, but it can’t exactly be called a complete success.]
The Team: Henry Pharris, Myrrh Khan, Peter Cancilla (Honorary member: Thomas Piccione)
MU2801 – Making Music With Machines, A-Term 2023