Featured works: Synthetic Hierarchical Nanostructures: Growth of Carbon Nanofibers on Microfibers by Chemical Vapor Deposition

Filed in Research by on February 28, 2010

Extract figure from the NNL featured works (Title: Synthetic Hierarchical Nanostructures: Growth of Carbon Nanofibers on Microfibers by Chemical Vapor Deposition)


Featured works: SEM images of bare carbon microibers CMF (a), CNFs grown at 800 °C on the surface of CMFs without (b) and with (c and d) the ethanol pretreatment, and CNFs grown at 600 °C on the surface of CMFs with the ethanol pretreatment (e and f)

Featured works: SEM images of bare carbon microibers CMF (a), CNFs grown at 800 °C on the surface of CMFs without (b) and with (c and d) the ethanol pretreatment, and CNFs grown at 600 °C on the surface of CMFs with the ethanol pretreatment (e and f)

H. Duan, J. Liang, and Z. Xia, “Synthetic Hierarchical Nanostructures: Growth of Carbon Nanofibers on Microfibers by Chemical Vapor Deposition”, Materials Science and Engineering B, vol. 166, pp.190-196, February 2010

Link to the original article

(Published on May 05, 2016)


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