Below you will find some essential resources to help you on your own OER journey.
Introduction – Open Educational Resources – Guides at Worcester Polytechnic Institute ( This guide is a quick start to finding, evaluating, adopting, adapting, and creating open educational resources.
Open Educational Resources Collection // Digital WPI: This collection contains selected Open Educational Resources (OER) assets created by WPI faculty, staff, and students.
OERs as Project-based Learning (CC-BY-NC, Marja Bakermans): This resource inventories promising practices, examples, and information on the intersection between OERs and Project-based learning (PBL).
2021-2022 Institute on Open Educational Resources | Association of American Colleges & Universities ( In 2021-2022, AAC&U, with expertise and leadership from OpenStax and ISKME, hosted a new Institute on Open Educational Resources (OER). Utilizing a new institute model, the Institute on OER provides a year-long, online engagement opportunity for teams from campuses or state systems seeking to actualize an ambitious strategy to broaden campus engagement with and adoption of OER. This new model directly engages the OER Institute teams for a full year via virtual events and interactions as participants’ OER implementation and acceleration plans are put into practice.
Guided Worksheets
Below you will find a variety of guided worksheets and tools to helps support your development, creation, and implementation of OERs in your course, classroom, or institution.
- What are OERs? – CC-BY-NC, Marja Bakermans
- Designing or co-creating OERS – CC-BY-NC, Marja Bakermans
- Finding OERs – CC-BY-NC, Marja Bakermans
- Assessing OERs for Openness Guided Worksheet – CC-BY-NC, Marja Bakermans
- Centering Values and Justice in OERs CC-BY-NC – Sarah Stanlick