Liv R Pharmacy Technician
“you kind of need everyone to sort of follow the guidelines or they’re not really going to work”
Summary of Interview
Liv R. is a pharmacy technician in South Portland, Maine. At the beginning of the pandemic, Liv worked long hours and noticed that customers were becoming rude and anxious. Much of their changing behavior was caused by shortages of medicines and cleaning supplies. Due to shortages, staff were forced to reuse and ration their gloves and masks. Liv also found that customers struggled to follow social distancing and health guidelines, which worried her because “you kind of need everyone to sort of follow the guidelines or they’re not really going to work”. Liv was forced to stop working and quarantine for two weeks because one of the people she lives with tested positive for COVID-19. Though she was not worried about catching the virus when we interviewed her, she ultimately tested positive. When interviewed, she was not worried about her own health and was more concerned with spreading to others. She hopes that in future pandemics people consider the health and safety of those around them more.