Kayla Pelletier The Physical Therapist
“we’re all experiencing this together, even though we’re all isolated”
Summary of Interview
Kayla Pelletier is a Physical Therapist in Lamoille County, Vermont. She works primarily with elderly patients and patients recovering from surgery. Due to the pandemic, she is one of only two physical therapists from her agency still working. In order to keep patients safe, Kayla has adjusted her life and routine by wearing a mask and gloves when interacting with patients and limiting trips outside by doing “laundry in the sink, [in] my bathroom – for the sake of my patients”. She has also put her social life on hold, “because I’m an outdoor recreator [sic] and that’s – frowned upon now”. Kayla hopes that people become connected by their shared experience with the virus because “we’re all experiencing this together, even though we’re all isolated”.