Civic Engagement

Human rights are rights inherent to the person and are proclaimed to be inalienable, indivisible, and beyond the reach of any political power. All Armenians have certain rights outlined in the Civil Code. Check out the lessons below for information in plain Armenian. If you ever need a lawyer click here.

Armenian Rights Lessons



Armenian Contact Listing

Emergency Numbers

General Emergency 112 or 911
Fire brigade 101
Police 102
Ambulance 103
Gas services 104


Engagement & Voting

Interacting with your local government is the first step necessary to promote change in your community. This course listed below will help provide a basic introduction in how to get involved with the government at a local level:

Civic Engagement in Local Governance Course

Beyond your local government is the national or federal government of Armenia. These sites are the official sites hosted by the Armenian Government

Electronic Governance Tools and Databases of the Armenian State Agencies