Personal Identification

Personal Identification

Having a valid form of identification is important for expressing your rights, as it proves your citizenship. Valid (non-expired) forms of legal identification include:

  1. Birth Certificate
  2. ID Card
  3. Driver’s License
  4. Passport

Birth Certificate

A valid birth certificate proves your nationality, and is an important piece of information to have for work or travel outside of the country.

Birth certificates can be obtained from:

  1. Ministry of Justice cases (Addresses and means of communication)
  2. Civil Acts Registration Offices (Ministry Of Justice of the Republic Of Armenia)
  3. Armenian Embassies
  4. Consulates
  5. Embassies of Foreign States in Armenia

This website has everything from where to go, and how to get birth certificates.

Ministry of Justice of The Republic of Armenia

Ministry of Justice Branch Locations

Birth Registration Information

Obtaining A Birth Certificate in Armenia Guide

ID Card

Those without a valid identity document can go to “Mission Armenia” Pap Office / ra police passport and visa department or call the following numbers:

Program Team (+ 374 91) 600 280; 600 288

The hot line of ra police passport and visa department (+ 374 10) 370 264

Drivers License

To apply for a new driver’s license you need:

  1. Letter of Intent
  2. Passport or another form of ID that stating place of residence
  3. Payment slip for written test (3000 AMD) – Government
  4. Payment slip for driving test (3000 AMD) – Government
  5. Payment slip for driving test (10000 AMD) – Services
  6. Payment slip for obtaining license after passing tests (12000 AMD) – Government

To see examples and practice for the writing test check out this site.

If you have lost your license you will need:

  1. Letter of Intent
  2. Passport or another form of ID that stating place of residence
  3. Proof of previous license
  4. Payment slip for obtaining license (12000 AMD) – Government


We recommend calling your local police station to find out where to get a passport. Be aware that passport applications have to be filled out in both English and Armenian so it might be easier to apply in person. When you apply for a new passport you will need:

  1. Proof of citizenship (original birth certificate or naturalization certificate)
  2. 2 2”x2” (5cm x 5cm) photos showing a front view of the applicants face on a light background.
  3. Completed application (can fill out at appointment)


Armenia – Apply for a new passport. (n.d.). Retrieved April 23, 2020, from

Mission Armenia. (2020, April 22). Retrieved April 23, 2020, from

Najarian, T. (2018, September 27). Obtaining a Driver’s License in Armenia. Retrieved April 18, 2020, from 

The Law of The Republic of Armenia on Identification Cards. (2011, November 30). Retrieved April 23, 2020, from

The list of driving theory test questions. (2020, February 12). Retrieved April 23, 2020, fromճանապարհային-ոստիկանություն/the-list-of-driving-theory-test-questions.html