Water is one of the body’s most essential nutrients. An average person can survive for two weeks with no food; this means they are able to survive this long without the other five nutrients listed on the nutrition page. However, most people are unable to survive more than three days without water. For this reason, and a few others described below, it is essential that every household has access to water.
Potable (Drinking) Water:
Potable water is safe to drink and can be used for bathing. However, potable drinking water must be produced or found naturally. Many villages in rural areas are built around water sources for this reason. However, if these sources are not naturally cleaned, water from them must be made safe first before use. There are many simple techniques used to clean drinking water.
In order to disinfect water, it must be boiled for at least 20 minutes and then stored in a sterile container.
Solar Water Disinfection
Leave water in a clear container in direct sunlight for at least six hours to disinfect it.
DIY Filters
A layer at least an inch each of rocks, sand, and charcoal with fabric on the bottom to make a filter.
Purchasable Filters
Non-potable Water
This form of water is not safe for consumption, and generally unsafe for cleaning and bathing. This type of water should be used to water crops and gardens. Non-potable water can come from natural sources like rivers, lakes, or ponds. It can also be acquired in the form of wastewater from showers, dish-sinks, and washing machines.
Rainwater Catchment
You can capture rainwater from your gutter system and store it to use for irrigation purposes. There are many ways to construct a rainwater collection system using recycled materials you may already have at home. Examples of such devices can be found below.
Water Use Associations (WUAs)
WUAs are a great way to ensure the maintenance of your irrigation supply system. They are regulated by the Law of Armenia on Water Use Associations, which you can learn more about in this document. To understand which irrigation zone your land plot falls in, this map depicts the WUAs in various regions around Armenia and people you can contact for questions related to your specific WUA. The Ministry of the Environment of Armenia has a page dedicated to Water Use Permits about the application, process, and requirements.
Irregular Access to Water
If access to water is irregular or sparse, it’s important to ensure that some potable water is always stored away. If water is used for crops and caring for animals, you will need to have long-term storage of non-potable water as well.
Storing Water
Double emergency water stores. Aim to store two gallons per person per day.
Take note of any patterns of when you have or don’t have water. Try to save water-heavy activities such as showering and washing clothes for times when you believe you’ll have water. Plan around them if they happen monthly, seasonally, etc.
Keeping your home, yourself, and your environment sanitary is important for maintaining your health and that of others in your community. There are numerous ways to keep sanitary that are discussed in other places on this site. Some of the most important ones are listed here:
- Handwashing
- Bath consistently
- Remove waste from home, and community responsibly, and effectively
- Wash dishes immediately after use and store in a clean location away from the floor
- Clean all parts of your home (floors, walls, ceilings, windows)
- Wash clothes as often as possible after wearing them
- Clean common items in the house or community like showers, toilets, tables, and appliances as often as possible after use
- The more often something is used, the more often it should be cleaned
Handwashing is bolded above because it is likely one of the most important parts of sanitation. The dirtiest part of your body is your hands, especially your fingers. You should wash your hands after coming in contact with anything that could be unsanitary, before and after eating, and before you go to sleep. This link provides design information if you do not have access to running water.
The use of soap is important for washing, bathing, and cleaning. All homes should have some form of soap whether it’s liquid or solid. If soap is unavailable it can also be made.
Making Your Own Soap
Beginner’s Guide for Making Soap
- Goats milk can replace water
Lye can be made by boiling ashes and water:
Alioni, D. (2014, June 25). A woman washes her hands from a tippy tap. Retrieved April 29, 2020, from https://www.flickr.com/photos/worldbank/14505403362
Beginner’s Guide to Making Soap. (n.d.). Retrieved April 23, 2020, from https://www.soapguild.org/how-to/make-soap/make-cp-soap.php
Creating & Storing an Emergency Water Supply. (2020, February 24). Retrieved April 23, 2020, from https://www.cdc.gov/healthywater/emergency/drinking/creating-storing-emergency-water-supply.html
DIY Water Filtration System – Basics & Tips for Beginners. (2020, February 5). Retrieved April 23, 2020, from https://www.waterfiltermag.com/diy-water-filter/
Fisher, D. (2019, October 31). How to Make Lye From Scratch. Retrieved April 23, 2020, from https://www.thesprucecrafts.com/make-lye-from-scratch-517124
Maxwell-Gaines, C. (2019, January 3). Rainwater Harvesting 101: Your How-To Collect Rainwater Guide. Retrieved April 23, 2020, from https://www.watercache.com/education/rainwater-harvesting-101
Simple Yet Effective Ways to Purify Water. (2017, February 9). Retrieved April 23, 2020, from http://www.filterwater.com/t-blog.simple-ways-to-purify-water-at-home.aspx
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Water user associations. (2018, August 17). Retrieved April 23, 2020, from https://www.iwmi.cgiar.org/2018/06/water-user-associations/