BME2210: Biomedical Signals, Instruments and Measurements.

Arduino-based ECG amplifier built during the lab
This course is an introduction to the instrumentation methods used to measure, store and analyze the signals produced by biomedical phenomena. The goal of this course is to familiarize students with the basic design and implementation of techniques for measuring a broad scope of signal types for molecular, cellular and physiological research. Students will get an introduction to the origins and characteristics of the electric and electromagnetic signals that arise in biological tissues. Sensors used for acquiring electrical, magnetic, optical/spectral and chemical signals will be covered. Topics include the underlying physics and chemistry of biomedical signals, biosensor types and usage, amplification and signal conditioning, data acquisition methods, basic signal processing methods, the origins of artifact and noise, and programming methods.
Students will learn basic circuits, amplifiers, filters using a hands-on approach using Arduinos, and finish the course having built a working electrocardiograph (ECG) amplifier for ~$25, and recorded their own heart electrical signals!
BME555: BioMEMS and Tissue Microengineering.
This course covers microscale biological and physical phenomena and state-of-the-art techniques to measure and manipulate these processes. Topics include scaling laws, microfabrication, machining three-dimensional microstructures, patterning biomolecules, and designing and building microfluidic devices. We will cover various biomedical problems that can be addressed with microfabrication technology and their associated engineering challenges, with special emphasis on applications related to quantitative biology, tissue microengineering, controlling the cellular microenvironment, and clinical/diagnostic lab-on-a-chip devices.
BME3601: Microfluidics Laboratory.
New, taught as ISP-DRA-3601 A’14
This course covers the basics of microfabrication and microfluidics, from theory to design to fabrication to operation. Students taking this laboratory course will receive hands-on instruction on designing microfluidic devices, preparing CAD drawings for photomask printing, photolithography, and fabrication of silicone-based microfluidic devices by soft lithography. Six labs cover the topics of:
- CAD photomask design
- Soft lithography and Surface micropatterning
- Photolithography (in the Microfabrication Lab)
- Microfluidics I: Diffusion, H-filter, Microdroplet generator
- Microfluidics II: Chemical and flowrate gradients
- Microfluidic Cell Culture