Laboratory Director
Professor David Medich, Ph.D., CHP (email | faculty page)
Ph.D. Students
Andrew Daudelin (email)
Norbert Hugger (email)
Matthew Jalbert (email)
Holden Snyder (email)
M.S. Students
Aaron Demers (email)
Clark Apuy (email)
Kylar Coleman-Foley
Emrys Adams
Nicole Allraum
Laboratory Alumni
Sashi Poudel, Ph.D. Awarded May 2018: “Quantification of the Tissue Equivalence of EBT2 Gafchromic Dosimetry and Application to the Dosimetric Measurement of Yb-169”
Christopher Martel, Ph.D. Awarded May 2019. “Development of high throughput radiological bioassays screening method”
Nicholas Borges, Ph.D. Awarded May 2020: “Improving Image Resolution and Imaging Techniques in Neutron Radiography”
Alexander Hamm, M.S. Awarded May 2019. Development of a GadOx Neutron Radiography Camera for high resolution neutron imaging
Shaun Marshall, Ph.D. Awarded May 2020. “Radiation Particle Transport in Complex and Anisotropic Media”.
Mykalin Jones, M.S. Awarded May 2020 “Using GEANT to Simulate the ICECUBE Nu-Tau Particle Detection”
Kenneth Fong, M.S. Awarded May 2020 “Shielding Effectiveness of Gold and Platinum for Yb-169 Brachytherapy”
Shane Waterman, M.S. Awarded October 2020 “MCNP Study of Multi-Hole Collimation Grids for Biological Neutron Radiography”
Justine Dupere, Ph.D. Awarded May 2021 “Feasibility of Intensity Modulated High Dose Rate Ocular Brachytherapy Using Middle Energy Isotopes Coupled with a Partially Shielded Applicator”
Danielle Beaulieu, B.S. (2013): “Construction of a Seven Distance Air Kerma Strength Calibration System with Measurement Validation against Yb-169”.
John Arnold, B.S. (2014): “Yb-169 brachytherapy source dosimetry and potential for localized shielding”
Shane Waterman, B.S. (2014): “Characterization of oil well bore defects through neutron activation analysis”:
Andrew Daudelin, B.S. (2014): “Thermal and fast neutron fluence characterization of the UMass Lowell Neutron Radiography beam-port”
Minh-Tri Ho Thran, B.S. (2014): “TG-43 Dosimetric characterization of a new Ir-192 brachytherapy source with uncertainty”
Shelby Hunt, B.S. (2014) as Co-Advisor: “Design and evaluation of a compact wind turbine designed for use in urban areas”
Daniel Mucaro, B.S. (2015) “Demonstration of table-top Deuterium-Deuterium plasma fusion”
William McCarthy, B.S. (2015) “Optimization of the Deuterium-Deuterium plasma fusion process”
John Crespi, B.S. (2015) “Characterization of the neutron spectra generated by the WPI portable neutron generator with analysis of thermalization effects on beam hardness”
Brian Gardner, B.S. (2015) “Characterization of the gamma-ray spectrum and intensity of the WPI portable neutron generator with comparison of prompt vs secondary gamma emission”
Erika Kolitz (2016) “Calculational development of a new technique for measuring brachytherapy source air kerma strength for enhanced precision and accuracy”
Emilia Konert (2016) “Adaptation of Gen IV Reactor Models for University Research”
Mykalin A Jones (2017) “ICECUBE Nu-Tau Particle Event Simulation”
Amanda Leahy (2017) “Intensity Modulation of Yb-169 Brachytherapy Sources”
Ivan Melnikov (2017) “Development of a GenIV type Research Reactor”
Sultan Jilani (2017) “Development of a GenIV type Research Reactor”
Sergey Korkhov (2017) “Treatment of Cervical Cancer with Yb-169 Brachytherapy”
Norbert Hugger (2017) “Determination of Yb-169 Thermal and Fast Neutron Absorption Cross-section”
Yulun He (2017) “Design of Brain-SPECT Pinhole Collimator”
Nicole Beinstein (2018) “Adaptation of Gafchromic Film for the measurement of the anisotropy of a brachytherapy source”
Kenneth Wong (2018) “Adaptation of Gafchromic Film for the measurement of the anisotropy of a brachytherapy source”
Benjamin Child (2019) “Time-Energy Entangled Quantum Cryptography”
Paula Silvestre (2019) “Particle Resuspension Kinetics of an Am-241 Chemical Analog”
Calvin Downey (2019) “MCNP Collimator Design for the WPI Neutron Generator”. [co-instructed with Prof. Rick Sisson]
Jessica Elder (2019) “MCNP Collimator Design for the WPI Neutron Generator”. [co-instructed with Prof. Rick Sisson]
Justin Tavares, (2019) “Rocket Electromagnetic Booster Separation Physics”
Hope Clairmont (2020) “Experimental Determination of the Shielding Effectiveness of Hydrogenous and High-Z Materials for the WPI D-D Neutron Generator
Matthew Jalbert (2020) “Monte Carlo Investigation of Yb-169, Se-75, and Ir-192 Intensity Modulation”
Adam Ramram, (2020) “Neutron Generator Flux Calibration with Flux Estimation Program”
Michael Laemmle, (2021) “Optimizing plasma density for future plasma fusion research”
Seamus Flanagan (Mechanical Engineering), (2022) “Designing the Next Generation Micro Research Reactor” [Co-advised this project with Prof. Rick Sisson].
Brock Joliceur, (2022) “Development of a MicroCollimator Array”
Holden Snyder, (2022) “Analysis of the Resuspension of Radioactive Particulates into the Atmosphere”
Brian Zawacki, (2022) “Development of an inexpensive brachytherapy afterloader for use in low resource settings”
Kyle Marquez, (2023) “Dosimetric assessment of a W-181 High Dose Rate Brachytherapy Source”
Nicole Dombrowski, (2023) “Feasibility of Using a PIPS detector for Neutron Detection and Characterization”
Aaron Demers, (2023) “WPI Hybrid Power/Research Reactor: Developing the facilities to perform Small Angle Neutron Scattering
Clark Apuy, (2023) “WPI Hybrid Power/Research Reactor: Developing the facilities to perform Small Angle Neutron Scattering