Authors: Varun Bhat; Mariko Endo; Sophia Marcus
Advisors: Shamsnaz Bhada; Jennifer deWinter; Paul Mathisen
Category: Graduate
Our world is changing at a rapid pace. With the development of technologies that use smart city solutions to solve complex issues like global warming and climate change, we are provided with a unique opportunity to rethink the ways through which we have been approaching our daily lives. One of these sectors is public transportation which affects sectors of healthcare access, tourism, and the environment. Sustainable public transport in the 21st century requires us to think in terms of concrete and systems-based approach to how we formulate and execute policies regarding the same. Our project helps do the same by creating a simulation tool that simulates the transportation policy of Worcester, MA. Our goal is to provide a way for important stakeholders such as policy makers, residents of Worcester, and healthcare workers to come together to create future simulations of their city that provides better public transport for all while hitting all the environmental goals that the WRTA has laid out in its policies. This will also enable the residents to have better access to healthcare, as there is strong evidence that shows that public transport and healthcare access are interconnected. Overall, this evidence-based project not only aims to better the lives of people but also greatly contributes towards the smart city research for sustainable growth and development.