(UG06)* Identifying barriers and developing solutions to meet water conservation needs on Oʻahu

Author(s): Maggie Paratore, Randy Dyer, Kendall Haddigan, Avery Purtell

Advisor(s): N/A

Category: Undergraduate

Abstract: Hawai’i’s freshwater is a limited resource facing multiple threats. The Honolulu Board of Water Supply works to spread the importance of water conservation to residents through educational outreach and communication methods. The challenge is to convey the same water conservation message to reach varying age groups. Our project focused on identifying potential barriers that prevent people from conserving water and addressing them through the creation of communication tools. Our research was completed through data analysis, surveys and semi-structured interviews. The results were used to develop proposals for targeted age groups of K-12 and 18-45, which the BWS can use in its efforts to enhance their future outreach methods to further encourage water conservation.

UN SDGs: SDG 6 – Clean Water and Sanitation, SDG 12 – Responsible Consumption and Production

*video presentation omitted as this group opted out of the competition judging*

Poster Presentation:

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