The Cuenca Soup Kitchen aims to be an environmentally conscious operation by reducing plastic waste. Through interviewing volunteers and observing their operations, we found that plastic bags used to package rice, produce, salt, and sugar lead to high plastic waste. We developed processes for creating reusable bags from single-use bags for the rice and produce and identified how to reuse plastic water bottles for salt and sugar. These recommendations will save the Cuenca Soup Kitchen over $900 per year as well as prevent them from using over 18,200 single-use bags per year.
Perceptions of climate change vary in the agricultural demographic as only around half of the farmers believe in human-induced climate change (Arbuckle et al., 2015). Through the creation of a pamphlet, based on psychological principles to maximize impact, we aim to alter unproductive perceptions of climate change. Changing perceptions, we hope to inspire action and lessen our impact on climate change one demographic at a time.
Sources: Arbuckle, J. G., Morton, L. W., & Hobbs, J. (2015). Understanding Farmer Perspectives on Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation: The Roles of Trust in Sources of Climate Information, Climate Change Beliefs, and Perceived Risk. Environment and Behavior, 47(2), 205–234. ​
We are perfecting a technology that will extract rare earth metals from magnet scrap because rare earth metals are in short supply in the United States. 95% of rare earth metal production is carried out in China, and right now, there are no U.S. producers. The only non-Chinese producers are Estonia, Vietnam, and Thailand- a small market.
We are looking to build a start-up in the U.S. to fill the vacuum, and part of our research is to prove that out.
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<p><strong>Abstract:</strong> Magnesium is a very common and highly reactive metal that is primarily found in our oceans, and in metal scrap. Magnesium is commonly used to produce metal alloys, but its reactivity makes it useful for power generation. This project focuses on the development of a magnesium-air fuel cell for use in grid storage and cargo ship engines. Magnesium has more energy density, but less output, than lithium, so it can be used for long-term power. The project focuses on studying the corrosion of the battery cathode and surrounding insulation under standard operating conditions. These conditions included an operating temperature of 550 Celcius and with molten salt as a working fluid. Several types of materials were tested, and each material was studied under a microscope for physical damage and corrosion. The project also includes an FMEA analysis of the proposed pilot battery.</p>
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<p><strong>Abstract:</strong> Southern Arava Research and Development studies agricultural practices on Medjool dates to support local farmers and protect the industry from water shortages and plant diseases. At Southern Arava Research and Development, the previously used data collection processes consumed much of the researchers’ time, so in order to help researchers use their time more efficiently, the project team retrofit an existing machine so the machine could automate both the classification of dates based on weight and maturity and the exporting of classification data on individual dates to Excel sheets. The workings of the machine that were learned or added during this project were documented in a manual to allow researchers to use the machine for years to come.</p>
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<p><strong>UN SDGs:</strong> <a href=”” data-type=”post_tag” data-id=”18″>SDG 2- Zero Hunger</a>, <a href=”” data-type=”post_tag” data-id=”5″>SDG 9 – Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure</a>, <a href=”” data-type=”post_tag” data-id=”10″>SDG 11 – Sustainable Cities and Communities</a>, <a href=”” data-type=”post_tag” data-id=”9″>SDG 12 – Responsible Consumption and Production</a>, <a href=”” data-type=”post_tag” data-id=”15″>SDG 15 – Life on Land</a></p>
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<p><strong>Abstract:</strong> Hawai’i’s freshwater is a limited resource facing multiple threats. The Honolulu Board of Water Supply works to spread the importance of water conservation to residents through educational outreach and communication methods. The challenge is to convey the same water conservation message to reach varying age groups. Our project focused on identifying potential barriers that prevent people from conserving water and addressing them through the creation of communication tools. Our research was completed through data analysis, surveys and semi-structured interviews. The results were used to develop proposals for targeted age groups of K-12 and 18-45, which the BWS can use in its efforts to enhance their future outreach methods to further encourage water conservation.</p>
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<p><strong>UN SDGs:</strong> <a href=”” data-type=”post_tag” data-id=”13″>SDG 6 – Clean Water and Sanitation</a>, <a href=”” data-type=”post_tag” data-id=”9″>SDG 12 – Responsible Consumption and Production</a></p>
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<p>*<em>video presentation omitted as this group opted out of the competition judging</em>*</p>
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<p><strong>Abstract:</strong> The project will improve a local sustainability certification, “Hecho en Monteverde” (HEM). The certification will foster long-term economic resilience through circular and orange economies. The project made the current certification criteria more measurable, feasible, and relevant for food sector businesses. Thirty-three interviews with food businesses, applicants, HEM administrators, and associated organizations informed and reviewed revisions. The twenty-three new food sector criteria can model criteria revisions for other sectors and areas of concern. HEM needs to replicate this criteria revision process and improve application accessibility/marketing.</p>
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<p><strong>Abstract:</strong> The WPI Green Team is spearheading efforts to reduce food waste in campus dining halls as well as throughout WPI Greek Life. The team’s Project Zero Waste Initiative promotes sustainable practices by encouraging students to be conscious of their food waste. The Green Team is additionally partnering with WPI Greek Life to implement vermicomposting at each Greek Life house, showcasing not only their commitment to sustainability but to inspiring other campus organizations to join the cause.</p>
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Abstract: Spray drying is a method of producing a dry powder from a liquid or slurry by rapidly drying with a hot gas. Ultrasonic nozzles has emerged as a promising technology that offers several advantages over conventional spray drying methods. The use of ultrasonic vibrations for spray formation can effectively address the challenges associated with conventional atomizers, including the requirement for high temperatures and high-pressure fluids. Compared to conventional spray drying, ultrasonic atomizers can deliver a spray with lower velocity, operate at lower temperatures, produce smaller particle sizes, achieve high evaporation rates, and impose low mechanical stress.