First Year

(FY02) Project Happy Cow

Authors: Kasia Nolan, Samantha Diener, Devin Roskoph, Aishwarya Silam Advisors: Marja Bakermans and Geoffrey Pfeifer Category: First Year Abstract: Animal agriculture is the leading cause of climate change, as a matter of fact, livestock and their byproducts account for 51% of all greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (Hyde, 2015). As such an important issue, our project… Read more (FY02) Project Happy Cow

(FY01) Geothermal: A Green Solution to Rising Temperatures

Authors: Alex Sheehey, Samantha Simmons, Federico Vegas, Jackson Wamback Advisors: Professor David Medich and Professor Derren Rosbach Category: First Year Abstract: Our group looked into WPI’s emissions in an attempt to determine where and how WPI could have the greatest reduction on its emissions. Our team determined that WPI’s current, steam-based, gas turbine heating system… Read more (FY01) Geothermal: A Green Solution to Rising Temperatures