Projects are the reason I came to WPI. As a longtime experiential educator and true believer in the transformational power of hands-on learning, I was eager to engage with faculty and students as part of WPI’s project-based curriculum. In my former role leading WPI’s Global Projects Program, I watched teams come together, start projects, learn new things and new ways of working together, travel to our project centers, sometimes have to change their approach, sometimes struggle, and almost always accomplish things they never thought possible at the start of the project.
As the director for team learning, I collaborate closely with staff and faculty across campus to support successful project team experiences for WPI students. It is my mission to ensure that every WPI student will experience at least one highly effective team experience before they graduate, and will leave with skills and tools to increase their own ability to collaborate effectively in teams throughout their careers. My work includes collaborating with colleagues across WPI to identify and disseminate best practices for supporting effective and equitable teaming, and to create resources and processes to support students in the teamwork they undertake throughout their project experiences at WPI.
I hold a BS in Zoology from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst and an MS in Adult and Organizational Learning from Suffolk University. Prior to leading team learning initiatives, I oversaw WPI’s Global Projects Program for eight years, serving initially as the director of global operations and then as executive director. As executive director, I had the privilege of leading the Global Projects for All initiative of WPI’s strategic plan Elevate Impact, which significantly expanded WPI’s Global Projects Program, and established a program to provide a scholarship for every entering student to complete a project off-campus.