Want to learn more about physics from the comfort of your own home?  All you need is a ruler and your thinking cap!  Watch Professor Kafle demonstrate this interesting phenomenon that seems like magic but is actually just physics.  All you need to participate is a ruler with a smooth surface.


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Dr. Rudra Kafle, Assistant Teaching Professor

I am Rudra Kafle, an Assistant Teaching Professor of Physics at Worcester Polytechnic Institute(WPI), Worcester, Massachusetts.Before I joined WPI in August 2015, I was a postdoctoral research fellow in Biophysics in Prof. Jens-Christian Meiners lab at University of Michigan. I received my PhD degree in Theoretical Atomic Physics in 2012 from WPI. I did one year MS studies in Physics at Western Illinois University (WIU) before I moved to WPI for PhD research. I did a mini-project on Dark Energy at WIU and some basic studies on String Theory at WPI before I started my PhD research on Bose-Einstein Condensate(BEC)-based atom interferometers and gyroscopes. As a summer intern in the Center for Nonlinear Studies (CNLS) at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), I worked on Berry-gauge tuned BEC gyroscopes in 2010 and 2011.  Learn more.