Walk along with Mitra, Despina, and Sophia to go on a tour inside the WPI Makerspace, learn more about the 3D Printing process, and watch some amazing student projects. Answer some questions using the attached form and get a chance to win Makerspace-Made swag! 

Mitra Anand - and Team

Mitra Anand is the Makerspace Advanced Technology & Prototyping Specialist at WPI’s Innovation & Entrepreneurship Department.   He works with students to brings ideas to life at the WPI Makerspace. He is passionate about teaching engineering, design thinking, 3D Printing, and entrepreneurship.

Kaitlyn Hess is a senior mechanical engineering major in the BS/MS program. She loves engineering because it opens opportunities to help people as well as solve all kinds of problems!

Despina Tomboulides is a senior majoring in Biomedical Engineering. She loves combining her two passions of biology and engineering to work on projects in the Makerspace!

Sophia Mularoni is a freshman majoring in Robotics Engineering. During her freetime, she can be seen working on woodworking projects at the Makerspace!