Fun Physics for Flying

This activity is related to the lift force.

You only need a piece of paper to try it!

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Oil Spills with Engineering Ambassadors

Large oil spills have been a common environmental problem for decades affecting wildlife, beaches and water sources. Environmental engineers have come up with many creative solutions to clean up these spills. WPI Engineering Ambassadors will tell you about some of these solutions and then you can try to clean up your own oil spill at home

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Are Fluids Soft or Hard?

Liquid is the material state whose shape depends on the container; on the other hand, solid material has a specific shape that resists the external force-induced deformation. Most of the time, we can tell if the material is liquid or solid by examining its response to external force. However, can you think of a material that can be both liquid and solid at the same time depending on how you interact with the material? In this hands-on activity, we will guide you to make a material that is between liquid and solid. When you gently and slowly poke the material, it is fluid like water but when you poke it hard and fast, it is elastic like a solid material. This material is categorized as a non-Newtonian fluid. In this activity, you will learn how non-Newtonian fluid behaves differently from conventional Newtonian fluid.  

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Mixing Mastered

In this activity, we will demonstrate the essence of mixing through an activity of blending a couple of colored dough balls. You will learn how blending these balls can be accomplished by simply following the fundamental actions of mixing processes: repeated stretching and folding.  

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National Grid Demos Live Line Safety

At National Grid, safety is in our DNA. To help promote electric safety, we created a seven-minute version of our electric live line safety demonstration. How much do you know about electricity safety?

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The Secret of a Water Gun

Turning on the faucet, you receive water for washing your hands or taking a shower. How convenient! Modern technology allows for transporting water to your home from a reservoir far away from your home through pipes. Do you know how water is transported through pipe? Do you know how the geometries of the pipes affect the efficiency of water transport? In this activity, you will learn about the principle of pipe flow through a water gun activity. We will guide you to build a water gun with different gun lengths and experience the effect of gun lengths (or more specifically, pipe lengths) on shooting the water to the target.

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Creating a Wearable Exoskeleton Hand

Follow along as Jessica builds a wearable exoskeleton hand from straws, string and paper! The hand will be a model of the bones and tendons in your phalanges and will move as you pull on the strings!   

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Graspable Math: Exploring Math Games

From Here to There is an interactive touch-based application that allows students to dynamically interact with numbers and expressions. Rather than solving a problem by hand and typing in the answer, students can transform expressions or equations by dragging or breaking apart the number. These activities provide access to the rewarding and playful challenges of algebra and equation solving. 

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Order of Operations Activity with MAPLE Lab

Have you ever looked at a complicated math problem and asked yourself, “Where do I start?” The goal of our project is to see how websites should show online math problems in ways that are easy to understand for students. With your help, we can get closer to answering this question. 

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