Instrument: Nanosurf Naio Teaching Atomic Force Microscope (AFM)
Location: WPI's Olin Hall 009, the User-Friendly Characterization Laboratory
Capabilities: Topographic imaging of small dry samples up to 70 x 70 μm2 areas with maximum height change of 14 μm. Contact, non-contact, intermittent contact, and phase imaging. Rudimentary force curves. Interfaced to WPI network.
Training: Self-enroll at the UFC-LAB Canvas site and express your interest via the Interest Survey. A volunteer trainer will be in touch when their schedule allows them to provide a two-hour training session for two to four people. To prepare for the training, prospective users should study about an hour of videos at the WPI AFM YouTube site (specifically, AFM Lessons 1-2 and NaioAFM Tutorials 1-3).
How often: Training is only offered a few times per term; plan in advance!
Qualification: After the two-hour training, individual users schedule a one-hour practical qualification in which they show that they can independently and safely acquire a contact-mode topographic image. If they pass the practical, they then take the Qualifying Quiz for the NaioAFM within the UFC-Lab Canvas site. Furthermore, for access to OH 009, they must also read the information for UFC-Lab users and take and pass the corresponding qualifying quiz. They will then be invited to the Clustermarket/Bookkit reservation system. After acceptance of the invitation, they are assigned reservation privileges, given a funding code, and granted card access. Each of these steps can take several days; the volunteer faculty in charge have many other responsibilities that must be juggled.