
Bold = graduate student in URG
Bold* = postdoc in URG

Peer-reviewed Publications

  1. Transient horizontal flame spread under non-steady concurrent airflow, P Pinto, X Xi*, A Miska, M Thomsen, JL Urban, Fire Safety Journal (in review)
  2. Analyzing the ignition capabilities of glowing firebrand accumulations L Zhu, JL Urban, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 40 (1-4), 105746 (Download: Accepted Manuscript PDF)
  3. Computational study on the glowing combustion of a wooden ember landing on a non-reacting substrate J Yang, X Peng, J Urban, W Huang, H Wang, S Wang, Y Hu, Journal of Fire Sciences, 07349041241256986
  4. Cooperative spot ignition by idealized firebrands: Impact of thermal interaction in the fuel L Zhu, JL Urban,Fire Safety Journal 135, 103701
  5. Powerlines and wildfires: Overview, perspectives, and climate change: Could there be more electricity blackouts in the future? W Jahn, JL Urban, G Rein, IEEE Power and Energy Magazine 20 (1), 16-27
  6. Interband cascade laser absorption of hydrogen chloride for high-temperature thermochemical analysis of fire-resistant polymer reactivity DI Pineda, JL Urban, R Mitchell Spearrin, Applied Optics 59 (7), 2141-2148

Conference Presentations

  1. Harter, R., Sanders, I, Xi, X.*, Kuenning, N., Urban, J. L. & Spearrin, R. M. Toxicant Measurements from Well-Ventilated Fires in Reduced-Scaled Compartments. In: Spring Technical Meeting of the Eastern States Section of the Combustion Institute(2024).
  2. Xi, X*, Valdivia, J., Simeoni, A. & Urban, J. L. Towards parcel-scale WUI fire mod- elling: morphology and bulk density estimation of ornamental vegetation. In: Spring Technical Meeting of the Eastern States Section of the Combustion Institute (2024).
  3. Valdivia, J., Xi, X. Simeoni, A. & Urban, J. L. Flammability of ornamental vegetation under convective heating. In: Spring Technical Meeting of the Eastern States Section of the Combustion Institute (2024).
  4. Pablo, P. Miska, A, Xi, X.* & Urban, J. L. Horizontal concurrent flame spread response to non-steady airflow. In: Spring Technical Meeting of the Eastern States Section of the Combustion Institute (2024).
  5. Miska, A, Pablo, P., Xi, X.* & Urban, J. L. Downward opposed flame spread response to non-steady airflow. In: Spring Technical Meeting of the Eastern States Section of the Combustion Institute (2024).
  6. Zhu, L. & Urban, J. L. Analyzing the ignition capabilities of glowing firebrand accumulations. In: Spring Technical Meeting of the Eastern States Section of the Combustion Institute (2024).
  7. Zhu, L. & Urban, J. L. Cooperative spot ignition by idealized firebrands: Impact of thermal interaction in the fuel. In: Spring Technical Meeting of the Eastern States Section of the Combustion Institute (2022).
