Advocate, advance, and achieve: those are the goals of the Seven Hills Foundation. With constant changes in the assistive technology field making it hard to keep up with current advancements, Seven Hills works to inform their staff and surrounding community about these assistive technologies through an annual exposition. Our team worked with staff of Seven Hills to plan and execute the 2018 Seven Hills Foundation Assistive Technology Exposition. This exposition offered a wide range of interactive assistive technology devices from companies and organizations throughout Massachusetts to help link people to useful resources. As a result of this exposition, we also produced a Planning Guide & Toolkit for Seven Hills to use in running future events.

Project Sponsor
The Seven Hills Foundation in Worcester, MA is dedicated to advocate for and advance the ability of individuals with disabilities to achieve a life as independent and healthy as possible. The Foundation has been providing services and support for people in need for over 65 years. Seven Hills Foundation achieves this through its three areas of work: Child and Family Services, Clinical and Behavioral Health Services, and Community Supports Services.
Student Researchers

Nicholas Day, Civil Engineering
James Rios, Civil Engineering
Lara Schmoyer, Biomedical Engineering, Pre-Medical