Student Researchers
Leo Torrente, Agatha Gornisiewicz, David Richardson, and Edward Lukowski
Project Sponsors
Adam Burney (Auburn Town Planner) and Julie Jacobson (Auburn Town Manager)
Project Description
We are collaborating with the Town of Auburn, Massachusetts to draft an Energy Reduction Plan. We will draft the plan with feedback from Auburn residents, business owners, town officials, and other stakeholders gathered through interviews and surveys. The Energy Reduction Plan will help Auburn reduce energy use and save money.
Our second goal is to help the Auburn High School win the Green Flag award. The Green flag award is a prestigious award given by the National Wildlife Federation (NWF). To win this award the school must meet the guidelines set by the NWF in the areas of energy efficiency and waste reduction. We will work with the Worcester Polytechnic Institute Student Green Team to assist the AHS green team on the path towards the Green Flag Award.