(Faculty Submission)
Theme: Community in Isolation
Artist Statement:
I was lucky enough to live in a neighborhood of an affluent town where people helped and encouraged each other during this unusual time of the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, I can only speak of my experience.
People found new ways to do regular activities during isolation, that social distancing did not allow them to do. The time at home gave many the opportunity to sort things out, do those put-off jobs and reconnect to life. However, it also increased the yearning for social connections. This manifested in many supportive ways through these difficult times.
Listed are notes on I made on behaviors I observed during the lockdown. Most of them uplifting and hopeful. I list them with my own convenient headings.
Chalk Talk
Driveway chalk messages and riddles for inspiration and encouragement.
Hope Rocks
Messages of hope, inspiration and encouragement painted on rocks, left by mailboxes. Shells and other objects have also been used. People wanted to show their empathy during lockdown in the community and this was one why to did it without contact.
Mailbox Messages
Messages of thanks placed on mailboxes for the letter carriers, who continued to deliver everyday through the pandemic.
The Wavesies
Everyone waving and saying ‘Hi’ in the neighborhood. The lockdown has brought the community closer as people missing human contact are reaching out for contact and empathy.
Zigzag Stroll
Road crossing walkers for social distancing. To avoid oncoming fellow walkers by crossing the road.
Clap Time
Clapping for essential workers. A specified time to openly show appreciation for essential workers and first responders during the lockdown.
Appreciation Rally
Car rallies honking for support of essential workers.
“We’re not scared” teddy bears in windows. To help kids to not be scared about the pandemic during lockdown.
Social Distancing Picnics
Picnics on the lawn with people sitting more the 6 feet apart.
Teen Rings
Circles of teen friends standing 6 feet apart in a 12-foot radius meeting at a park or school field.
Driveway Signs
Driveway signs – Large banners or signs thanking first responder’s and essential workers.
Juxtaposed Walkers
Social Distancing tandem walkers – people walking side-by-side, one on the sidewalk, one in the road.
PPE Detritus
Piles of gloves and masks discarded outside stores. This has instigated the setting up of trash cans have been specifically outside specifically for used gloves and masks. Used masks are littering streets and have been found in the water systems now.
Lawn Mania
Everyone doing lawn care and landscaping around the house. Things on the list that have been put off for years.
Purge Season
Cleaning out the garage and basement. Putting unwanted things in free piles on the curb. Creating a
free “yard sale” for unwanted items from the cleanouts. Plenty of curbside pickings on offer.
Mask Hanger
Masks hanging from the rear-view mirror in peoples’ cars.
Wildlife Explosion
The extraordinary amount of wildlife seen brazenly strolling the streets due to the quietness of lockdown. Great rafters of turkeys and herds deer.
Puppy Friend
The great popularity of puppies and other new pets during the pandemic.
Home at the Pool
Swimming pools along with trampolines and fitness equipment, particularly barbells, are sold out. Due fitness centers and pools closing, people have bought up equipment for their own activity centers at home. Similarly, RV vehicles have become a hot item as people wish to travel without risking, public transport and hotels.
Quarantine Fifteen
Extra pounds people have gained during lockdown. Seen exercising them off later.
Party Parade
To celebrate birthdays (particularly kids) during lockdown, parades of cars would visit the persons home to do drive-by honking, cheering and dropping off gifts. This provided a safe way to celebrate friends and relatives Birthdays.
Take a brake
Lockdown gave plenty of time and motivation to do all those jobs normally put off. All those things on the “Honey-do list”. These included renovations, repairs and landscaping. Car maintenance was very popular with many seen doing their own brake drum changing.