Join the Automata Lab

Automata Lab soliciting PhD applications

The Automata Lab is currently seeking applicants for multiple fully-funded PhD positions to begin in Fall 2024.

Research Areas:

Our work focuses on making intelligent robots that are able to make intelligent, reliable decisions with limited human input. Research areas include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Formal methods for planning and control
  • Planning and coordination for large heterogeneous teams
  • Safe control with machine learning in the loop
  • Correct-by-construction techniques for reinforcement learning
  • Human-robot interaction with formal specification
  • Graph neural networks for distributed multi-agent control
  • Verifiable machine learning for perception


  • BS or MS degree in Robotics, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering or closely related field
  • Strong track record in mathematics, algorithms, control theory, and/or machine learning
  • Engineering skills including scientific programming languages, ROS/ROS2
  • Passion for robotics and problem solving

How to Apply:

Applications should be submitted through WPI’s application portal in Robotics Engineering. You should specifically mention your desire to work with Prof. Leahy in the Automata Lab in your application. You are encouraged to contact Prof. Leahy directly at kleahy at wpi dot edu. Please include your CV as well as a description of your specific research interests and experience, and how they align with the research in the Automata Lab.

PhD in Robotics at WPI:

The Robotics Department at WPI is one of only a few such departments worldwide that grants PhDs in Robotics. It is located in Worcester, MA, the second most populous city in Massachusetts, about 40 miles west of Boston. WPI offers competitive stipends, health insurance, and a Graduate Workers Union.