ISU: Independent Study

Policy from the undergraduate handbook:

“No more than 1/3 unit of the 14/3 units of engineering coursework may be independent study (ISU) with a syllabus submitted to the Chair of the BME Undergraduate Curriculum Committee and a final report submitted to the ISU Instructor.”

Here is an example syllabus, but you and your advisor can make your own.  BME ISU Syllabus Template

  • It must contain the following information:
    • Course Description
    • ABET program outcomes
    • Final report included in the syllabus.

If you want to make your own, this is a useful resource from the Morgan Teaching and Learning Center:

ISU Registration form:

Submitting to the Chair of the BME Undergraduate Curriculum Committee– as with all courses, the earlier the registration, the less stressful for all.

  • ISU Registration form must be submitted to the Registrar’s office by you or your advisor.
  • Make sure to copy  so that we can review and confirm that it meets department standards.
  • The Registrars’s office will email the UCC Chair for them to sign off on it.

ALL ISU forms should be sent before the term starts.  (Late forms can be processed up to 3 days after the start of term, in order to be completed before the end of the add/drop period.)