Increasing Need for Cyber Security in Healthcare IT

A few weeks ago, a data breach in the UCLA Health System allowed hackers to access 4.5 million people’s health records. Medical records contain valuable information for identity thieves such as names, addresses, ID numbers and even social security numbers. Discover the importance of cyber security in healthcare IT…

iStock_LargeAccording to an article in USA Today, “the health care industry accounting for 42.5% of all data breaches over the last three years, considerably more than any other sector of the economy, according to the Identity Theft Resource Center and 91% of all health care organizations reporting at least one data breach over the last two years”.

With these data breaches in the healthcare system becoming more frequent, there will be an increase in the demand for cyber security experts to defend against these threats. Healthcare organizations will be looking to educate their workforce to create a holistic defense system against these threats.

Our eBooklet, Securely Leverage Big Data in Healthcare IT, discusses the need for cyber security education for healthcare IT workers further. The eBooklet also provides resources to test the risk of a cyber security threat in your organization, and top 10 tips for cyber security in healthcare. Download the full eBooklet.


What is your experience with cyber security in your industry? Are you protected? Comment below…

Source: Weisman, Steve. USA TODAY. July 25, 2015 

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