Change Your Mind with Systems Thinking

Systems thinking is an effective, holistic way to view any problem you may have in business and personal relations. But don’t take our word for it!

Our online and corporate graduate students are raving about WPI’s Intro to Systems Thinking course, and how it has positively affected different aspects of their lives.




One student saw room for improvement in his company’s production processes, thanks to the skills he learned at WPI:

Christian_Acosta_testimonial_photo-763271-edited“My coworker and I began researching different manufacturing methods and found continuous processing to be a highly effective method. We decided to propose this new paradigm to executives. [By] strategically presenting our new paradigms, we have been given the power of refinement within our current manufacturing process in preparation for the ground-breaking change of our manufacturing process.” – Christian Acosta, Manufacturing Senior Engineer

Another student tested her workplace’s employee-goals system against Systems Thinking and found room for meaningful improvement:

“As part of my objectives, I have to be a member of two process improvement teams each year. The goal is to be a member, but not to work hard or implement any process improvements from the team. This may explain why we have many process improvement teams and not as many process improvements.” Brittany Zabinski, Aerospace Project Engineer



Systems thinking has also changed the way our students learn.

“This class has taught me a new way of thinking and analyzing a problem. I often find myself living in a personal ‘bubble,’ not taking much notice of how others conduct themselves. The assignments really brought me out of my comfort level and asked me to challenge someone else’s views.” – Lucine Bahtiarian, M.S. candidate in Systems Engineering

Kevin_Zacchera_testimonial_photo_2-958109-editedAnd while everyone had their own unique experience with the course, there was one resounding theme:

My only regret is that I didn’t take this class earlier in my pursuit, as it really helps to set the correct mindset and would have been beneficial for my other courses.” – Kevin Zacchera, Aerospace Integrated Product Team Leader

I’m wishing I took this class sooner in my MBA program. Just about every class I’ve taken could be viewed differently, and quite possibly better, from the eyes of a systems thinker.” – Chelsea Brown, Aerospace Senior Manufacturing Engineer

“This class brings together the other courses’ teachings and augments the education. This is the last class in my MBA and I truly wish I had taken it somewhere in the middle.” – Whitney McMackin, Aerospace Program Manager



Lucine_testimonial_photo-1-069696-editedThe benefits of a systems-thinking mind don’t stop at the classroom door. Our students carry these new perspectives into their personal lives, too:

I have seen so much of how I think in my daily life changing because of this course. Whenever I see or hear about a situation, I instantly link it with an archetype or a leverage point. Even in just common conversations.” – Lucine Bahtiarian, M.S. candidate in Systems Engineering



Change the way you see the world with Systems Thinking.

Learn more about the Systems Thinking Graduate Certificate!


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