Year: 2017

Top 5 Time-Management Tips for Online Learning

By Caitlin Keller One of the major struggles online students tend to face is time management. Being an online student requires you to be a self-motivated, organized, and an independent learner. Without physically attending class–and while often taking courses alongside working a full-time job and juggling familial and social obligations–it is easy to get pulled into…Continue Reading Top 5 Time-Management Tips for Online Learning

Industrial Explosion Protection – Crash The Course!

There are few things that will jeopardize a business more quickly and profoundly than an explosion. The word alone brings to mind all manner of destruction, and it can take years to recover, with some assets lost forever. That’s why preventing explosions in the first place is so crucial. But as the world changes, it’s hard…Continue Reading Industrial Explosion Protection – Crash The Course!

Engineer’s Corner: Systems Engineering & Motorcycle Safety

by Don S. Gelosh, PhD, CSEP-Acq Motorcycling season is in full swing here in Virginia: one of the reasons I enjoy living in the Commonwealth. Sunny mornings, warm afternoons, and lots of twisty roads with a thousand smells of freedom. Anyone who has ridden a motorcycle understands what I am saying. Earlier this summer, as…Continue Reading Engineer’s Corner: Systems Engineering & Motorcycle Safety

Engineer’s Corner: Manufacturing Engineering vs Advanced MFE

By Jim Girouard Having spent over 30 years as a manufacturing engineer, this question has always perplexed me. Is there a difference between a Manufacturing Engineer (MFE) and an Advanced Manufacturing Engineer (AMFE)?  Is one applying the ways of the future, while the other is locked in the Iron Age?  Should every MFE strive to…Continue Reading Engineer’s Corner: Manufacturing Engineering vs Advanced MFE

Top Jobs & Societies in Robotics Engineering

Robotics. It’s a field that is expanding and evolving every day. Besides the actual field of robotics, a robotics engineer has the skills and education to work in a bunch of different industries. Just because the job title doesn’t read “robotics engineer” doesn’t mean the job isn’t for you! One great thing about being a…Continue Reading Top Jobs & Societies in Robotics Engineering

The Essential Ingredient for Reliable, Safe Autonomous Vehicles

By Alexander M. Wyglinski, PhD An unabridged version of this piece was created for IEEE Vehicular Technology Society. The last 18 months have been very exciting times for autonomous vehicle technology. New self-driving car prototypes have been taking to the streets, a growing number of companies have announced initiatives and collaborations to pursue activities in…Continue Reading The Essential Ingredient for Reliable, Safe Autonomous Vehicles

3 Surprising Benefits of Grad School

By Dan Weagle, Account Exec & part-time grad student, WPI Corporate & Professional Education My fellow bloggers have covered the professional benefits of part-time grad school for working professionals. But as someone who’s recently become a part-time grad student, I think the other bloggers missed something. Three things, actually. Here’s a little inside scoop from…Continue Reading 3 Surprising Benefits of Grad School

5 Reasons To Be A Fire Protection Engineer [Infographic]

Where there’s smoke, there’s fire, and fire protection engineers use a stimulating mix of engineering disciplines, math, computer science, and even psychology to prevent smoke from ever appearing. If you’re a mechanical, civil, electrical, or chemical engineer, you already possess much of the necessary training to pursue a career in fire protection engineering. View the infographic below to…Continue Reading 5 Reasons To Be A Fire Protection Engineer [Infographic]

New eBook: BIM in Theory and Practice

Have you heard of BIM? It’s taking the worlds of construction, design, and engineering by storm, and for good reason. BIM, or Building Information Modeling, is a revolutionary software that streamlines building projects and facilitates communication between stakeholders at all points in the construction process: architects, contractors, even facilities managers after the job is complete. In our latest…Continue Reading New eBook: BIM in Theory and Practice